Clear 32 Categories of Self-Destructive Past-Life Religious Vows

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Clear 32 Categories of Self-Destructive Past-Life Religious Vows

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Saturday, March 12, 2022, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Clear 32 Categories of Self-Destructive Past-Life Religious Vows
that Block Your Connection to Spirit

Clear 32 categories of religious vows you took in past lives that are now restricting your freedom, blocking your connection to God, and preventing you from being fulfilled, peaceful, balanced, and successful in life


A "vow" is a special type of restrictive karma.  It's not just a casual belief or perception.  It's more of a conscious intention and commitment to restrict your energy in some way.

When vows are consciously or unconsciously taken in religious contexts, the negative impact of the energy is much greater, because the vow is now connected to our perception of "god" or Ultimate Reality.

For instance, a vow of chastity may be taken in certain religious contexts, intended ostensibly to prevent you from being too focused on attracting a partner and forgetting the importance of your spiritual path.  However, now that very same vow of chastity may be preventing you from attracting fulfilling relationships, blocking your ability to create money (a second chakra issue), keeping you blocked to embracing your innate power, blocking your kundalini, creating a continual sense of personal shame, etc., etc.

The vow, taken in the past, has become self-restricting in your present.  Even if you don't remember taking the vow, it still can be very strongly affecting you.

Vows, just like any form of karma, are "fractal", meaning that when you create just 1 vow, your consciousness will replicate and project the consciousness of that vow into all levels of your being, creating more of the very thing you don't want.

Over hundreds or thousands of lifetimes, the vow only get more destructive as it becomes more intensified.

This is how consciousness works -- it always creates more of itself, whether that's positive or negative.

Religious programming can be some of the most spiritually destructive of all, because it presumes to be about "god", but in reality is generally focused on creating a patriarchal power structure that actually blocks people's authentic inner divine connection.

Religion presumes to inform people about "god", but because its organization rarely has spiritual depth and authentic self-awareness, it ends up creating more spiritual blocks than it attempts to remove.

This is why this type of clearing is so important. We must go directly into the types of strong spiritual restrictions religion places on us, and clear them throughout our past and present lives and through our ancestral lineages.

Religious vows tend to bolster our sense of fundamental unworthiness and fundamental separation from Spirit. This issues are perhaps the most significant type of block anyone can have, creating the basis for every type of problem we may eventually have in life.

Vows are self-restricting commitments of energy.  Sometimes we take them consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Sometimes they are created verbally, sometimes mentally.  They are often created in religious situations and in religious lifetimes.  Sometimes, they affect us automatically when we come into this life, because they are part of our ancestral lineage.

Vows commit us to reacting to life in certain ways in the future, thus restricting our freedom of choice.  What types of choices do vows make harder for us to make? --choices for inner freedom, mental peace, relationship harmony, financial freedom, and to actualizing our soul's purpose, among others.

They gum up our energy.  They disallow us from using our full power to manifest.  They are strong, self-imposed, and restrictive, often created with great emotion or spiritual idealism.

Do we really need vows at all?  Some would say no.  Rather than pre-committing our energy to future restriction, why not just learn to be in the flow of life, and make conscious choices that are the most beneficial for you in the moment?

Clearing and revoking vows from your conscious mind, subconscious, akashic records, and lineages is one of the most powerful forms of clearing you can do.  You may have no idea how much of your energy you have right now invested in self-restricting vows established in past lives.  As you feel through these clearings, you will sense layer after layer of restriction dropping away from you.

One of my teachers emphasized the importance of regularly clearing your vows.  Even if you have done related work in the past, there can be new vows that arise from within your akashic field and lineages that need to be cleared.  And you may unconsciously create new ones. I feel that doing a series of vow clearings at least once per year is very important.

On Saturday March 12th's group clearing, here is the list of 32 categories of religious vows we will be clearing for you.  Many of these vows I have identified using Christian languaging, though we will also clear the equivalent vows as they are expressed in other religious traditions.  The originally-intended benefits of the vows (if any) will still remain with you, while the disempowering consciousness will be resolved:

32 Categories of Religious Vows We’re Going to Clear:

  1. atheism / theism | this vow creates a restrictive belief system that blocks your ability to truly "know God"

  2. baptism (Christian sacrament) | this vow helps create the fundamental belief in separation, your unworthiness, and "original sin"

  3. bearing the Christ (in the womb, symbolically or literally)

  4. bearing the wounds of Christ (I'm not going to enjoy my physical life because the path of god is one of suffering)

  5. being married to God | blocks our ability to attract relationships now

  6. chastity / purity | sexual desire is bad and keeps you from god

  7. confession (Christian sacrament) | original sin, belief in fundamental unworthiness

  8. confirmation (Christian sacrament) | the patriarchal church is the authority, not God

  9. eucharist (Christian sacrament) |  "I am not whole, not enough, not holy already"

  10. fear of God | god is punitive, so we must fear him

  11. follow a belief system, ideology, religion, etc. | your spiritual connection is outside of you, not within you

  12. glorify god ("god" seen as an external punitive being who needs appeasing by: being sick, not having money, being unhappy, etc.)

  13. god demands a certain diet (to be spiritual, etc.) | creates health and digestive problems, as well as emotional problems

  14. loyalty (to a person, cause, ideology, religion, my parents, etc.)

  15. to be a martyr | you must sacrifice your life, your purpose, and your joy for “something higher”

  16. mortify the flesh | the physical body is not divine, is not our home, etc.

  17. not to seek or become enlightened

  18. obedience (to an ideology, relationship, or guru)

  19. orthodoxy (doing it the way you were taught, or else you risk condemnation)

  20. penance (Christian sacrament)

  21. political vows

  22. purity (a pseudo "sterility" from sensual indulgence)

  23. religious conversion of others

  24. sacrifice

  25. savior / rescuer

  26. separation

  27. silence

  28. suffering

  29. suffering with/for Christ

  30. to block our sense of total Oneness with Ultimate Reality (Pure Spirit)

  31. to curse/deny God

  32. vows that blocks being authentically spiritual and authentically human

Remember that each vow may have been repeated many times within your consciousness, thus intensifying its action.  Our goal in using these clearing methods is to clear all repetitions, as many as your soul is ready to release at the time.