Clear Blocks to Enlightenment, Upgrade your Lightbodies and Levels of Consciousness, and Clear the Soul's Need to Keep Incarnating (Guru Purnima 2021)


Clear Blocks to Enlightenment, Upgrade your Lightbodies and Levels of Consciousness, and Clear the Soul's Need to Keep Incarnating (Guru Purnima 2021)

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Originally Recorded: Guru Purnima (Full Moon) 2021: Friday, July 23, 2021

On Guru Purnima, Clearing Blocks to Your Enlightenment, Upgrade your Lightbodies and Levels of Consciousness, and Clear the Soul's Need to Keep Incarnating

Many people wonder if they need a guru.  What exactly is a guru anyway?  To me, a guru may be seen as an individual whose primary identification is with Source rather than with simply their human personality.

When we are in proximity to an individual of this level of evolution, our consciousness is automatically lifted, we are able to start transcending our past karma, and we may be able to have a life that is more than what our past-life karma has fated for us.  We can begin to live by Divine Grace.

But the term "guru" also refers to a spiritual principle, a guiding principle that is active to a greater or lesser extent within all of us.  "Guru" is our inner Higher Guidance.  It's the voice of Spirit within each of us, leading us towards a life of greater spiritual integrity and expression, where we sense our oneness with life, and where we can better manifest the authentic desires of our hearts.

So do we need a physical guru at all?  I can only share with you my own personal experience.  My physical contact with such enlightening beings has had an incalculable positive impact on the whole trajectory of my life.  I don't believe I could be doing what I'm doing today without that type of blessing.  However, I am not here to say that that must be the path for everyone.  For some, inner connection with the Guru Principle, as an activity of the Voice of the Divine awakening us from within -- that is enough.

No matter your background or perspective on this issue, my experience has shown me that energetically connecting with the masters and receiving their healing, enlightening, and karma-clearing power on the one full moon day of the year known as "Guru Purnima" -- this year, happening this Friday July 23 -- is of rare and substantial importance.  Taking some time to enter into a high-energy space and consciously commune with the Divine in Its expression as "enlightening and awakening" will truly lift your spirit into an experience of Higher Grace the whole year through -- and beyond.

It is said that if you have God, you don't really need anything else.  Enlightenment through the Principle of the Guru awakens within you God -- the one thing that, once you have it, you can become and receive everything else you need in life.

Join me this Friday, as I will hold your soul in this high-energy space during the peak timing of the Guru Purnima full moon.  Though my experience, I will help facilitate a connection, a communion, a karma-clearing, and an awakening process for you through the interventions of many ascended masters, angels, archangels, and other beings of light who are wanting to share their blessings with you.

My guidance is suggesting that during this full moon ceremony, we will be working with:

  • 5 million masters -- about 2% of these masters are currently incarnated on the earthplane

  • 7-with-32-zeros-after-it angels (that's a huge number!)

  • 48 archangels

  • 6000 other light beings / helpers

The primary intentions of these beings connecting with us as this peak time is to share their highly-evolved spiritual presence with us to evoke blessings and karma-clearing processes for:

  • increased money

  • career success

  • overall life success in general

  • increased health

  • longevity & vitality in long-life

  • relationship healing -- past, present, and future

  • greater ability for you to manifest

  • spiritual enlightenment in this life

Beyond this work, we are also going to work with these beings around several topics related to enlightenment and ascension:

  1. clearing our blocks to enlightenment

  2. clearing mistaken and damaging spiritual and religious programming that is preventing our growth and peace now

  3. blocks to accepting the consciousness of God as your own consciousness

  4. blocks to "letting go and leaving behind" all that does not serve the purpose of the evolution of consciousness

  5. attachments, addictions, agendas, and stuckness to our self-imposed limitations and "lesser gods" that prevent our spiritual evolution

  6. blocks to our primarily identity being Spirit rather than anything to do with our physical form

  7. clearing anything preventing the fullest expression of our spiritual purpose and destiny in this life

  8. clearing anything preventing the highest, most clear and coherent level of consciousness of our light bodies, and the stabilization of those more coherent clear light levels

  9. clearing vows, programs, and addictions making it seemingly mandatory for you to continue incarnating on Earth, rather than allowing you to be "at choice" about your further spiritual evolution and experiences of incarnation

  10. clearing your spiritual lineages, forward and backward, in all directions, and through all lifetimes -- to release mis-aligned spiritual lineage issues and programming, and to plug into the lineages of authentic integrated enlightenment and balanced spirituality