Clearing Our Relationship to God: Clear 33 Key Discordant Karmic Patterns that Block our Faith in an Infinitely Good Universe

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Clearing Our Relationship to God: Clear 33 Key Discordant Karmic Patterns that Block our Faith in an Infinitely Good Universe

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Originally Recorded: Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Clearing Our Relationship to God: Clear 33 Key Discordant Karmic Patterns that Block our Faith in an Infinitely Good Universe

Everyone has a concept and energetic faith in "god", even if they say they are an atheist.

What I mean by this statement is that, every person has not just a concept, but an inner orientation of their energy towards their perception of what Life is about, what the spiritual nature of the Universe is, or what "god" is (for lack of a better term).

Every person has an energetic orientation towards a viewpoint of Ultimate Reality.

For most people, this inner orientation is not consciously known or acknowledged, because it is created in our innermost energy systems and inherited from our lineages.

It is not based on our spiritual or religious belief system hardly at all.

Those belief systems are often only surface level, and our surface minds have the ability to deny our true inner energetic orientation.

Our true orientation to Ultimate Reality is something deeply embedded in us, created by our soul programming, creating by how well we've spiritually opened, how well we've practiced giving and receiving forgiveness and love -- throughout our soul's history.

It is based on how deeply we have connected to our innermost spiritual selves, and how truly we have seen who we are, what Life is, and what the nature of Reality is.

From a cosmic perspective, this is something that takes hundreds or thousands of lifetimes (at a minimum) to open to.  It takes so long because of the levels of programming we have to cut through and clear before we can get there.

This inner orientation to Ultimate Reality is typically made worse in formalized religion.  Most religion overtly preaches a concept of Ultimate Reality that is loving, but programs their adherents with implicit and ever-deepening separation, shame, and guilt, for the purposes of creating control through fear.

Religion seeks for adherents to worship the religious system rather than worship the Source that is supposedly the goal of the system.  So one's espoused religious belief in "god" is of little consequence when it comes to determining our true inner orientation to Ultimate Reality.

Which brings us to this particular group clearing.

This clearing is so important for everyone.  I have derived 33 key negative statements that represent infinite amounts of discordant karmic information our larger soul consciousness is holding onto from thousands of past lives and from our ancestral lineages.  These statements, and the karmic energy that continues to hold these statements as true within our consciousness, represent millions of beliefs, programs, circumstances, relationships, and causes of every sort of problem or challenge we have in life today.

We may adamantly deny that we believe these statements, and yet our inner energetic programming may tell a different story.  When there is a conflict between our conscious minds and our subconscious programming, the subconscious programming will always win.  And this means our lives reflect our programming, not our conscious beliefs.

Our belief in god -- not a mental concept, but our true inner energetic orientation towards Ultimate Reality -- makes or breaks everything in life.  This is not a religious theory I'm talking about here.  We all have some kind of inner orientation towards "the Universe" or Ultimate Reality.  Cleaning up the discordant programming we are still carrying around this issue can open you up to a whole new inner world that was always there, supporting you, loving you, and offering you fulfillment -- but that you didn't realize was already here, waiting for you to accept it.

For each of the following clearing statements, we are going to clear each one using the words God, Life, Reality, Source, Ultimate Reality, Innermost Reality, Being, & Consciousness:

  1. God hates me.

  2. God is punitive / God punishes me for past "sins".

  3. God only loves conditionally.

  4. God withholds love from me.

  5. God withholds abundance from me.

  6. God withholds fulfillment from me.

  7. God is withholding something or someone I truly need.

  8. God withholds peace (for me, for the planet, peace of mind, peace of emotions, peace in relationships, etc.) from me.

  9. God loves some people and hates other people.

  10. God only loves "the right" people. (The right race, the right gender, the right political party, the right national origin, the right belief system, the right religion, etc.)

  11. God has rejected me and will continue to reject me forever.

  12. God rejects my soul, my potential, my life, my possibilities, my incarnation.

  13. To incarnate means I had to leave God.

  14. To incarnate means I had to leave heaven, the place of Ultimate Good.

  15. To incarnate means I had to leave behind my potential, my fulfillment, my power, unconditional love, the possibility of peace.

  16. I have committed the original sin.

  17. My essential nature is "fallen".

  18. I am separate from my True Source.

  19. I have been rejected by my True Source.

  20. God isn't "there" for me.

  21. To please God means to follow the rules.

  22. To please God means to do what I'm told and comply with authority.

  23. To please God means to hide my true feelings, my true Self, my true potential.

  24. I believe my sin cannot be forgiven.

  25. I believe I have committed the one unpardonable sin.

  26. I am beyond forgiveness, and don't deserve it.

  27. The Power to heal, change my life, and manifest exists outside of me and outside my control.

  28. God only loves me when I .... (conditional love)

  29. God only loves me when I don't ... (conditional love)

  30. God can't love me because I'm not good enough, deserving enough, worthwhile, or loveable.

  31. There is an eternal battle between 2 equal and fundamental powers: God and evil.

  32. God is actually causing the problems in my life: so I can learn from the, grow from them, because I have been bad.

  33. The Nature of God is anger, jealousy, and vengefulness -- a projection of a life-negative worldview, a projection of the worst of myself, a projection of my perception of my parents.