Clearing of 188 Mental Biases: Removing Blocks to Clear Thinking, and Making Better (More Empowered) Decisions

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Clearing of 188 Mental Biases: Removing Blocks to Clear Thinking, and Making Better (More Empowered) Decisions

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Thursday, November 30, 2023, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Clearing of 188 Mental Biases:
Removing Blocks to Clear Thinking,
and Making Better (More Empowered) Decisions
based on the Present-Moment, Rather than Based on Misperceptions, Inaccurate Past Memories, and Prejudices —
By Using Spiritual Clearing Work to Resolve 188 Cognitive Biases

We all have mental biases.  They are actually part of our survival system, and are meant to protect us by helping us quickly contextualize our present life based on our memories of past experiences.

However,  by continually contextualizing our lives based on our past experiences, we also automatically create biased and irrational conclusions.

The accuracy of our thinking becomes reduced.  And we introduce prejudices, and blocks to seeing fairly, truthfully, and impartially.

Psychologists tell us that we all uses mental biases as kinds of short-cuts for processing present information based on our past experiences.

This saves our brain time and energy, but it can also introduce all kinds of misperceptions and errors into our thinking and our outcomes.  It can create inaccuracies and fallacies, and limit our ability to see truly and fairly our own lives, and the people and situations around us.

In order to clearly see our lives, to heal, to manifest something new, we have to have clear perceptions.

This means having a mind that is clear, and as free from prejudices, biases, attachments, and projections as possible.

However, we all have old habits of thinking and perceiving our world, mostly based on memories we have stored based on how we processed past experiences.

Our experiences can bring greater knowledge and wisdom to our present life, but seeing life through the clouded lens of our past can also create blind spots, reducing the accuracy and clarity of our present-moment perceptions, preventing us from seeing our full potential.

In this clearing, for the first time in my work, we are going to be using spiritual/subconscious clearing methods to systematically resolved a list of 188 "mental biases".

Mental biases aren't so much what we are thinking, as they are ways in which we think -- habits of thinking that may or may not be useful and helpful to us now. Mental biases are how our memories and perceptions blind us to seeing things clearly now.

Mental biases we're going to focus on include:

  • false memory: recalling events that never happened or that transpired substantially differently

  • storing memories differently based on how they were experienced

  • editing and reinforcing some memories (after the fact) versus others

  • we think we know what other people are thinking

  • we notice flaws in others more easily than we notice flaws in ourselves

  • we're drawn to details that confirm our own existing beliefs

  • we notice things already primed in our memories

  • blocks to being fair and impartial

  • we process through a complex series of internal biases before deciding how to react

  • irrational conclusions: often caused by anxiety

  • illusion of control: an inappropriate and inaccurate belief that we can control things we can't

  • pessimism bias: amplified emotional responses to negative events compared to positive

  • Murphy's Law (worst-case scenarios): "anything that can go wrong, will"

  • blind spots: tendency to see oneself as less biased than others -- leading to self-deception

  • naive realism: believing that our perceptions are the same thing as "reality"

  • omission bias: the preference for "not acting at all" rather than doing something that might result in harm

Spiritually-speaking, these biases block us from seeing our life clearly, recognizing our full potential, and getting out of the way of us co-creating the Divine Good we are here to manifest.

These biases create a lot of unnecessary mental baggage, inaccuracies, and fallacies, limiting our ability to see our own lives truly and fairly, and limiting our ability to accurately perceive our relationships to the people and situations around us.

If you've been looking to clear your mind and get a fresh perspective, this clearing is for you!

Feel a major mental lift and the doors of your perception cleansed as you join us for this clearing!