Clearing Imposter Syndrome and "Hiding Your Light": Being Authentically Seen for the Spiritual Being That You Are

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Clearing Imposter Syndrome and "Hiding Your Light": Being Authentically Seen for the Spiritual Being That You Are

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Originally Recorded: Saturday, October 15, 2022

Clearing Imposter Syndrome & "Hiding Your Light":
Being Authentically Seen for the Spiritual Being That You Are

One of the most major reasons people come in for clearings with me is that success, money, and career are not manifesting in their lives the way they want them to.

People might think there could be a quick spiritual fix for these issues, where we could just clear the money blocks, and more would come in.

However, I have found that we have to look deeper.

Money, success, and many of the rewards people are seeking in life are effects, meaning that they cannot be authentically obtained by seeking them out directly.

They come as the result of aligned, authentic energy that we give to others by using our unique gifts in service to our Higher Purpose — and service to Spirit Itself.

But before we can give of our gifts authentically, we have to know what they are. More fundamentally, we have to know who we are, what is unique about us, what inspires us, and what brings us joy. How would we love to be of service?

As we start to look at these deep levels of ourselves, a lot of programming can arise that we must cut through.

Even just the programming we have received in this life from parents, school, and religion, may be strongly pushing us to just go with external expectations, to "stop being so selfish to think you could do what you want to do in life", "you're not talented", and to not waste the time and money it will take to work on yourself.

If we extend this into past lives, we get a whole new scenario of negative programming that can block us shining our light now.

Most who are feeling called onto a conscious path in this life have had many lifetimes where they were persecuted or killed for even daring to step out of the box of the dominant paradigm even a little bit.

This deep fearful remembrance can unconsciously block us from taking steps to discover who we are and what are unique gifts are, and from developing the faith and trust to share these gifts with others through aligned service.

This whole journey of self-discovery actually precedes attracting the rewards of success and money so many are seeking. Did you get that? Yes, success, money, and the other rewards come after we are actively giving to Life the gifts of our aligned developed unique giftedness.

Most people who find my work are consciously on a spiritual path.  This is such an important first step to taking the inner journey to discover who you are. Many who find me are healers themselves -- people who have come here to develop their inner spiritual gifts, and then share them for the betterment of others.

Jesus said that people who are spiritually in-touch shouldn't hide their light.  However, as we start to develop our gifts, and start to get clearer that we have come here to serve others, even with the all the work we have already done on ourselves, massive amounts of resistance can start coming forward.

So I want to offer, for the first time, a clearing directly focused on the issues of inner gift discovery, not hiding your light, and clearing the roots of “imposter syndrome”, which is the doubt we have about ourselves that can block us from shining our light.

In this clearing, we are going to address:

  • who am I really?

  • who am I to be spiritually activated?

  • who am I to authentically develop and express my gifts?

  • who am I to think I am authentically connected to Spirit?

  • who am I to rise above my programming and recognize my unique genius?

  • who am I to serve others in a way that brings the greatest joy to them and to me?

  • who am I to receive the most beautiful and auspicious rewards for the authentic service I am offering others -- money, recognition, praise, satisfaction, etc.?