Clearing the Soul's Addiction and Need to Experience Ongoing Pain, Suffering, and Negativity

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Clearing the Soul's Addiction and Need to Experience Ongoing Pain, Suffering, and Negativity

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Originally Recorded: Friday March 22, 2024

Clearing the Soul's Addiction and Need to Experience Ongoing Pain, Suffering, and Negativity

As we grow, change, and evolve spiritually, we gradually and naturally become more and more aligned with experiencing life through greater peace, flow, joy, abundance, and love.

However, beneath the surface of these positive changes, we may be running soul programming that actually magnetizes pain, suffering, and negativity into our life, so that we continue to attract this type of discord, even if our consciousness is actually transcended the karmic need for it.

Why is this?

Part of the agreement our soul makes on its journey of involution is to temporarily forget its True Spiritual Nature.  In order to be led back to an innate spiritual connection, our soul programming begins orienting towards attracting pain, suffering, and negativity, so that we will be motivated to look within and doing our authentic spiritual growth work.

It is true that much can be learned through pain, suffering, and negativity.  But there comes a time in our soul's journey where we have become conscious enough that we no longer need these issues as a motivating factor.  We no longer have to purposely magnetize pain, suffering, and negativity into our lives, especially if our overall karma has already evolved past it.

So we need to directly tackle the programming -- and even addiction -- our soul, our guides, and even our Higher Self can have to attracting and manifesting constant programs and difficult circumstances.  We need to re-write our agreement with our whole consciousness, and tell our True Soul Self that we no longer want to attract problems, but that we only want to attract goodness, love, and "learning through grace, joy, and abundance".  Yes, we can also learn much through life's goodness.  But one aspect of beginning to live life in this way is to change our entrenched spiritual programming that is still attracting pain.

In this clearing, for the first time in my work, we are going to systematically look at your soul's programming to attract and create pain, suffering, and negativity, and we are going to clear it.  We are going to search through your past lives, your ancestral lineages, and your connection to the collective -- and clear in all these arenas.

Most importantly, we are going to clear any perceived "need" or addiction that any part of your consciousness has to keeping this pain-oriented programming alive.  An addiction, in these spiritual terms, is any perceived strong need for something, and a sense the soul may have that it cannot live without the pain and negativity.