Convert "Bad Luck" into Good Luck: a 5-Day Clearing Intensive to help Your Soul Create the Most Auspicious Outcomes in all Endeavors and Circumstances

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Convert "Bad Luck" into Good Luck: a 5-Day Clearing Intensive to help Your Soul Create the Most Auspicious Outcomes in all Endeavors and Circumstances

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Originally Recorded: Saturday, April 13 - Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Convert "Bad Luck" into Good Luck:
a 5-Day Clearing Intensive to help Your Soul Create the Most Auspicious Outcomes in all Endeavors and Circumstances

Some people claim "if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all".

This statement comes from the fact that for some people (and to some extent, for all of us -- at least until we can change it), their consciousness is programmed to automatically create one problem after another. And as it is within us, so comes our experience of life.

Our personal consciousness can radiate out "bad luck", and then create and attract circumstances and conditions based on a inner karmic expectation of "bad luck".

It seems like the lives of some people are producing negative miracles and synchronicities -- manifestations going in the wrong direction, almost like there is some intentional oppressive agenda to make life miserable.

Remember your soul (aka, your inner consciousness) is always creating something -- but is it creating more chronic problems, or is it creating positive miracles?

Our personal consciousness can get blocked, and from that blocked place, may produce only lack and limitation, dis-ease, relationship problems, limited life vision, blocked soul purpose, etc. Being stuck in this blocked place is what causes "bad luck".

"Bad luck" is a combination of specific bad karma that creates and reinforces a bad attitude -- and a bad radiant point of attraction within us -- towards life. We start with negative karma or by feeling disconnected and negative, then we project that energy into our life circumstances -- and guess what, our life circumstances reflect that negative energy back to us and confirm the programming that is in our soul.

Our life path is dictated by the programming of our soul. Our soul creates and re-creates based on what is stored inside of us. If we truly want to change things, we must start by changing what is within us.

For the soul, these issues of chronic "bad luck" come from our karma, the personal unresolved subconscious programming we bring into this life, and the unresolved curses we are inheriting from our ancestors and from our connection to the collective.

We need to go directly into the programming of the soul and resolve and clear the bad luck programming.

We don't have to somehow "delete" the bad luck programming -- rather, working with power of Spirit, old bad luck programming can actually be converted to good luck programming, where our soul actually seeks out the creation and attraction of positive miracles, synchronicities, and most benevolent outcomes!

In this upcoming 5-day intensive, we are going to focus on clearing the "bad luck" karma that is producing problems in several major areas of life. These 5 days are going to be like going to an energy spa and receiving a lifting away of old negative programming -- to help you become free!

Here is our clearing agenda for each of the days of this intensive:

  • Day 1: clearing to help the soul create the most auspicious outcomes in relationship

  • Day 2: clearing to help the soul create the most auspicious outcomes in soul's purpose and career

  • Day 3: clearing to help the soul create the most auspicious outcomes in finances and overall abundance

  • Day 4: clearing to help the soul create the most auspicious outcomes in health and healing

  • Day 5: clearing the help the soul create the most auspicious outcomes in all synchronicities, miracles, and happenings in your life: clearings and "tuning up your vibration" for "who, what, when, where, and why" situations and conditions you will attract and manifest