{writing} Prosperity Prayer

I was in meditation last night (on a Friday, which is an auspicious day each week for wealth), and I "heard" a prayer, based on the original Prayer of St. Francis, but geared towards developing a consciousness of prosperity.

I quickly went to my computer and wrote the prayer down.  I wanted to share it with you here.

The purpose of this prayer is to help us when we feel that our biggest need is to acquire something--like money.

We may very much need money, but when out total focus is on "what can I get", it's easy for us to forget the best way for us to acquire more of what we need is to be a channel to help others get what they need.

This prayers asks the Universe to open our channel wider and to attune our flow to serving others.  Enjoy!


Lord, make me a channel of your prosperity

Lord, make me a channel of your prosperity.
Where there is hoarding, let me open the flow;
where there is selfishness, let me release my gifts;
where there is victimization, let me recognize the love that's always been there;
where there is heartache, let me show others they are loved;
where there is depression, let me move the energy;
where there is seeming lack, let me realize Innate Infinite Supply.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much merely acquire a lot of stuff than to be a channel for meeting the needs of others.
For in helping others find their solutions, we find our own solutions;
In helping others release their gifts, we release our own gifts.
In participating in the Infinite Expansion of the Universe, we Infinitely Expand.

And in prospering others, we are prospered.
