Extended Full-Moon Eclipse Clearing of the Karmic Roots of Physical Illness: Pain, Dis-ease, Imbalance Through the 11 Organ Systems (Originally Recorded June 2020)

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Extended Full-Moon Eclipse Clearing of the Karmic Roots of Physical Illness: Pain, Dis-ease, Imbalance Through the 11 Organ Systems (Originally Recorded June 2020)

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Originally Recorded: Full Moon Eclipse of Friday June 5, 2020

Extended Full-Moon Eclipse Clearing of the Karmic Roots of Physical Illness, and a Progressive Resolution and Healing of the Current Symptoms of Problems in the Physical Body: Pain, Dis-ease, Imbalance Through the Lens of the 11 Western Body Organ Systems and the Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine

For some time now, I have been working on some energy clearing and healing techniques that would help to address the deepest roots and reasons why we have physical illness (this is known as "karma"), but would also help the body to process, resolve, and clear the experience of the physical problem (also known as the "symptom").

The techniques I have developed are rather simple to apply, and yet it has taken me years to develop the awareness of how they work, and how to use them to help others progressively resolve the karmic roots of their present physical conditions, while also helping the physical body resolve the perceived need for the symptoms to continue.

Since the full moon brings up lots of often-suppressed stuff, and this particular full moon is also an eclipse where 4 planets are also in retrograde, this is a particularly intense energetic opportunity to offer this work to you for whatever physical health challenges you may be facing.

This clearing / healing session is also preventative, helping the soul and the physical body to more easily process anything dormant or below the surface of your current awareness, preventing potential future problems before they can develop momentum and present themselves in your conscious experience.

These 2 aspects of healing work represent opposite ends of the spectrum of how physical challenges are originally created and then experienced. Some systems of healing only address one of these aspects or the other.

Some systems try to address only the symptom, but leave the spiritual origin of the challenge untouched.

Other systems may try to work with clearing the original karma that created the condition, but the physical body may not know how to interpret and receive and open to that kind of clearing, leaving the symptoms to persist.

During this event, we are going to alternatively cycle back and forth between the karmic roots and the present moment discomforts -- working with clearing and healing energies at both ends of the spectrum.

As we work with the karmic roots of illness, deeper suppressed symptoms will begin to come forward, which we will then work with resolving.  And vice versa -- as we work with alchemizing the soul's perceived need for present physical symptoms, deeper formerly hidden karmic roots will begin to be revealed, which we will then work to help resolve.

This is the first time I am offering this exact approach to clearing and healing the roots and the present symptoms of physical challenges.

I want to emphasize that this work is not medical advice or treatment, but is entirely spiritual in nature.  Please continue to work with whatever medical professionals are highest and best for you.

The main systems of the human body we will progressively work with throughout this session, both anatomically and physiologically, are:

  1. Circulatory system: heart, arteries, veins

  2. Digestive system and Excretory system: GI tract

  3. Endocrine system: glands of the body

  4. Integumentary system / Exocrine system: Skin, hair, nails

  5. Immune system and lymphatic system: lymphatic vessels and defense system

  6. Muscular system

  7. Nervous system: brain and nerves

  8. Renal system and Urinary system: kidneys, bladder

  9. Reproductive system: The reproductive organs

  10. Respiratory system: lungs

  11. Skeletal system: bones and structure

We will also work with alchemizing and resolving imbalances in the most major principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

  • the principles of yin and yang

  • the Three Treasures (jing, qi, and shen)

  • the 5 Elements (metal, water, wood, fire, earth)

The major processes of this clearing:

  • helping the body to resolve, alchemize, and integrate the experience of any past, present, and potential future symptoms experiences in the physical body

  • helping the soul and body to release, clear, and resolve the perceived "need" for the symptoms to continue (this is an aspect of spiritual clearing)

  • resolving and clearing within the present and past lives, and within the ancestral lineages, and any fields of energy within the collective consciousness the reasons, roots, origins, and causes of the present symptoms (this is where we clear the "karma" of the condition)

  • resolving the experience of discomfort and/or pain, alchemizing the experience, clearing, healing, dissolving the experience of the effects at the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental levels  ---- sublimating / transmuting the experience of the discomfort into health, vitality, and supportive energy

  • During the course of the clearing/healing session, we will progressively cycle back and forth between working with the current experience of the condition and working with the karma behind the current experiences.  By spending at least a full hour in this high vibrational field of healing, more and more of the whole matrix of energy contributing to your challenges will be exposed and brought to the surface, where we will be able to work with resolving it.