On the Birthday of the Divine Physician, Remove Fear of Disease, Create Health Miracles and Success on Your Healing Path, Protect Yourself from Untimely Death


On the Birthday of the Divine Physician, Remove Fear of Disease, Create Health Miracles and Success on Your Healing Path, Protect Yourself from Untimely Death

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Originally Recorded: Thursday, November 12, 2020 | This is "Dhanvantari Jayanthi"

On the Birthday of the "Divine Physician", Remove Fear of Disease, Create Health Miracles & Success on Your Healing Path, Protect Yourself from Untimely Death, Attract the Right Health Practitioners & Techniques, & Heal Your Loved Ones

There is a Divine Being who is the embodiment of all-healing, health, and wholeness.

This being can be accessed for your own healing, health, and to supercharge your longevity, to help you create health miracles, and to help you attract the right helpers on your path.

In the Vedic tradition, this being is known as Dhanvatari. He is considered to be an Angel of Healing. He is the Archetypal Cosmic Physician, and the mythical founder of the science of Ayurveda.

You can't "pray to" a Divine Being, as if they were outside of you only. The trick to accessing this Divine Being is to realize He is already inside of you right now, mystically.

Using ancient and modern energetic access techniques at a peak astrological timing can open our connection to this Divine Being, and increase his power to heal difficult issues, or prevent problems in the future.

In this upcoming health karma clearing and Divine Being Activation, we are going to be using a combination of auspicious methods for awakening this Dhanvantari-Consciousness within you:

  • This event occurs at the single peak date and time in the year that the yogis determined the Divine Physician can be most easily contacted (this is the 13th moon phase, 90 minutes before sunset, 2 days before Diwali -- this date is known as "Dhanvantari Jayanthi", the birthday of the Cosmic Physician). This date only occurs once per year, so it is of critical importance to offer sacred clearing and activation work at this exact timing.

  • Even knowing the precise timing of this opportunity, we still have to know how to actually access Dhanvantari's energy for karma-clearing and for activation of your Divine Health Consciousness. We will be using ancient and modern techniques to access your bad health karma, clear it, and reveal the Consciousness of the Divine Physician within you.

In this clearing, for the first time in my work, at the appointed peak time that only happens once a year, we will open your Akashic Field, then we will systematically work with each of the 108 Divine Names/Mantras for the Divine Archetype of Health and Healing, Dhanvantari.

We will invoke each name, and through the power of working with your own Higher Self, each name will be checked against your own personal karmic record -- all accumulated past and present life karma that is still unresolved.

Each of the 108 Divine Names represents an aspect of the mystical Divine Nature of Dhanvantari.

Because Dhanvantari is an aspect of you at your innermost being, these mantras represent your full health, healing, and wholeness potential.

When we clear the karma that is blocking these names from being more resonant, present, and activated within you, we are, in effect, releasing your bad health karma so that you can reach your full potential of Divine Health.

In this clearing, the karma that you have that is contradicting, blocking, or restricting the healing activity of each of the 108 Divine Names will be cleared and resolved.

When your soul is blocking these Divine Names from having the freedom to flow actively within your consciousness, it is the same as saying that your karma is blocking your own health and healing.

On the spiritual level, all health and healing happens first in your consciousness. Your consciousness is much more than simply what you are thinking at any given moment. It is also the accumulation of misalignments of your past lives and your ancestors.

Here are some of the benefits of working with Dhanvatari, especially on his birthday:

  • Establishes a clearer more "alive" consciousness of Divine Health within you

  • Removes fear of present and future diseases

  • Can create health-related miracles

  • Protection from untimely death, and clears your path for longevity

  • Gives success in surgery

  • Helps you find the best physician, other health practitioners, medicines, protocols, etc. for your health problems

  • Helps you finding the best healthy diet for you

  • Healing for your loved ones