Rare Peak Timing to Clear Hidden Underlying Blocks Causing the Results in Your Life to Remain Out-of-Harmony with Your Highest Spiritual Vision: Clear the Roots of Long-Term Chronic Problems


Rare Peak Timing to Clear Hidden Underlying Blocks Causing the Results in Your Life to Remain Out-of-Harmony with Your Highest Spiritual Vision: Clear the Roots of Long-Term Chronic Problems


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Originally Recorded: Sunday, November 15, 2020
"Vishnupati" as the Sun Transits into Scorpio

Rare Peak Timing to Clear Hidden Underlying Blocks
Causing the Results in Your Life to Remain Out-of-Harmony
with Your Highest Spiritual Vision:
Clear the Roots of Long-Term Chronic Problems


If you have been noticing an accumulation of ongoing situations, thoughts, emotions, experiences, relationships, and outcomes in your life that feel out of harmony with your highest spiritual vision for yourself and your life, this event is the ideal opportunity to clear out your inner karmic closets and to realign yourself with Spirit.

It's a rare peak timing to let go of the misaligned way of doing things and to clear the roots of that which is no longer serving your highest good, and to move into a new, more empowered state for living life aligned with your Truest Spiritual Vision.

On November 15, in the Vedic Calendar, the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio, a so-called "fixed" sign of the zodiac.

According to the ancient yogis, during the first 9 hours when the Sun makes its yearly transit into the sign of Scorpio (as it will be doing on November 15), the Divine Archetype known as Vishnu becomes highly energized and available to provide rapid transmutation of karma, and to empower you with Divine Energy to ease manifestation.

It is said that the yogis wait for this rare time each year, so that they can access this Divine Energy.

The name Vishnu does come from the Vedic tradition, but his energy is universal, and available to everyone regardless of religious or spiritual background.

Vishnu represents sustained Divine support for life, health, wealth, and longevity -- longevity of the body, soul, relationship, and material support.

Vishnu is one of the most powerful Divine Archetypes you could connect with is you want consistent spiritual growth and consistent material results.

The sign of Scorpio represents the hidden parts of your life -- hidden talents and abilities that need to come forward to help you, but also hidden blocks that are stuck in your karma.

Scorpio also represents your kundalini -- the hidden evolutionary energy within you that may be blocked and may be inhibiting your full potential.

What are your hidden blocks? Where do they come from? For the most part, we don't really understand where our deepest blocks come from, because they are part of our past-life history and our ancestral lineages. These are the reasons why doing spiritual clearing work during peak astrological timings is so important.

Vishnupati when the Sun enters Scorpio is the perfect time to confront your fears and to work on transmuting ongoing painful patterns.

It is the perfect opportunity to access Divine Grace to cut away the roots of long-term problems, and to accelerate the healing of issues in your life that are forcing you to grow.

Vishnupati is the perfect time of the year to exhaust your karma -- to clear it out deeply. That is why I am committed to offering clearings ongoing during this rare astrological timing each year.

Vishnupati occurs for only 9 hours, once every 3 months, when the Sun enters a "fixed" astrological sign. Missing a Vishnupati is like missing a prime spiritual clearing and upgrade opportunity. It's the time of the year when all forms of blessings are available in abundance, and when past and present life karma, and ancestral karma, can be thoroughly resolved, helping to accelerate your experience of blessings.

Join this Vishnupati clearing if you want any of the following:

  • dramatic results quickly, especially in improving your finances

  • fast dissolution of mental impurities

  • quick spiritual evolution

  • enhanced financial gains

  • healing of the issues of "growth through pain"

  • healing of long-term health challenges

  • achieving victory over obstacles and a willingness to say yes to quick transformation