Clearing 4 of the 4 Caroline Myss Survival Archetypes: "The Prostitute": Selling Out Your Integrity Due to Survival Fears or For Financial Gain

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Clearing 4 of the 4 Caroline Myss Survival Archetypes: "The Prostitute": Selling Out Your Integrity Due to Survival Fears or For Financial Gain

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Originally Recorded: Thursday, March 28, 2024

Clearing 4 of the 4 Caroline Myss Survival Archetypes:

"The Prostitute": Selling Out Your Integrity Due to Survival Fears or For Financial Gain

This is a big one, even if the word "prostitute" initially rather shocks you.

We're not directly talking about the sexual connotation of that word here, but we're entering the inner archetypal pattern, which is one of the 4 basic survival archetypes all humans have, as identified in the work of Caroline Myss.

"The Prostitute" archetype has to do with negotiating away our power -- or selling out our personal integrity -- because of a basic fear of survival, or because we believe that it's necessary for us to do so in order to make money.

When "The Prostitute" is unevolved and thus we are working within its shadow, we are willing to compromise our integrity, basing choices on fear.  We don't yet have the faith in ourselves to believe we can take care of ourselves, or that our personal ideas and inspirations really matter.  We aren't yet honoring ourself as a unique being with unique gifts.

Common examples of the unevolved Prostitute could be creating art, music, or writing according to someone else's expectations and taste, perhaps because it will "sell", rather than in integrity to one's inner voice.

Money often gets involved here, because it becomes very tempting to negotiate away our power and integrity when there's money involved -- gaining money by doing it, or the fear of lack of money if we don't do it.

Taking or keeping a job just for the money, or staying in a relationship where there is a faulty sense of safety while having little fulfillment -- these are everyday examples of the unevolved Prostitute keeping us compromised due to fear.

As The Prostitute archetype evolves towards its light side, we start to get more conscious about how we have been compromising ourselves.  How our survival archetypes evolve always comes back to self-esteem, the fundamental quality that is seeking to be developed through the evolution of all 4 of these survival archetypes.

As we gain more insight and self-esteem, The Prostitute becomes the force that helps us clarify our motivation and cultivate faith, especially faith in ourselves and our abilities.  We learn why we do certain things, and then as we dig into our self-esteem, we develop the inner feeling that we are truly capable of doing what we are motivated to do.

This clearing, for the first time in my work, is going to systematically work on clearing the accumulated negative consciousness supporting the unevolved form of The Prostitute.  We are going to research particular times and relationships in which our energy was compromised, and we are going to take back that power.